Hey Ladies, I'm so sorry for the lack of blogs over the past few days. I'd meant to have this post up on Monday, but I really hated the photos that I'd taken for it, because they just seemed so poor. So, I took a few more on Monday afternoon, in the first pictures that I've done outside, and have only just had time to put the post up!!Fortunately, I'm much happier with how these images turned out, with the product sitting in the lush green grass,...
I really need to get back in the habit of reviewing products, because I now have a small mountain of things that need to be reviewed. But, I think that I've actually forgotten how to review a product so I've decided to head back to the blogs roots with how I used to review products when I first started, but with a little bit of an updated twist.A. Because it makes reviewing easier for me, and B. I feel that reviewing products this way is much informative....
Other than necklaces, I don't wear jewellery very often. I don't even wear a watch these days. But, during a recent clear out, I found a ring that I picked up from Primark a couple of years ago, which I love but haven't worn in absolutely ages.The nail polish is No.7 in MilanOne of the main reasons that I don't wear it (other than it being really heavy!), is because "cheap" jewellery, especially rings always eventually turn my finger green. So, I...
So, Kat's Beauty Reviews did not make it onto the Shortlist for the Cosmo Blog Awards. But, have no fear, because some truly awesome blogs did.I think that awards like this are incredibly important to the Blogging Industry, especially in the area of Beauty and Fashion, because there are so many incredible bloggers out there, who are all putting in so much time, effort, dedication and real passion into their work. And it's important to remember that...
Anyone who has shopped at Boots recently, will probably have found themselves the owner of a voucher for £5 off No.7 products. Having spent far too much money at the end of August on a pair of new glasses and prescription glasses, I felt that I'd really earnt my voucher and went on a mini mission to actually spend it for the first time, in about ten years.Nope, that isn't a use of hyperbole there, it really is ten years since I last took advantage...
I've been running the Positive Beauty Pledge for quite some time now, and I have to confess to sometimes feeling like such a hypocrite. Not because I don't believe in the Pledge's message, because I honestly do believe that everyone is beautiful. However, it's easy to see the positive in other people, but personally, I find it incredibly difficult to see those things in me.If you asked me to write a list of things that I don't like about myself,...
This was the view from just outside our hotel. The view from our room wasn'tquite so nice unfortunately!!I always think there's something quite magical about the sun's rays, especiallywhen the weather isn't really that great!Can you tell it had just bucketed down with rain?I loved this rock face. It looked magnificent!I <3 ShellsWater is just so serene...I love this photo, with Scarborough Castle in the backgroundEarly Evening Walk in ScarboroughWe...
Hi everyone, my name is Samantha and I own a cruelty-free beauty blog called [THE BEAUTY DIARIES]. First of all I’d like to say thank you to Kat for having me as a guest writer whilst she’s away, and also I’d like to thank you for taking the time to read my post. I hope you like it and find it interesting, and can’t wait to read any comments you may have.I was brought up by two very loving parents who always made me feel as though I could do and...
Holy Moly, it's been a long while since I've had a Positive Beauty Pledge, so I am thrilled to bring you one from Tiny D. So, without further ado, here she is:MY PLEDGE ABOUT OTHERSI promise that I will do my utmost to control my naturally cynical urges when speaking about other people, particularly other people who annoy me in some way, and not stoop to criticism of others' size, dress sense or other physical attributes.MY PLEDGE ABOUT MYSELFI...
I recently applied to be a member of the Max Factor Circle on Super Savvy Me, and last week I found out that I'd been accepted. So, this afternoon a nice man knocked on my door with a bag (inside a box) of goodies that I want to share with you guys.What's in the Bag?Basically, I have 15 samples of Max Factor's New Ageless Elixir 2 in 1 Foundation + Serum to give away. All of the samples are 50 Natural so it should suit most skin types.Fancy one...?Not...
I've been playing around with my new Model's Own Nail Art Pens again, but this time I decided to give the white one a try, and me being me, I decided to be a little bit creative. This look is completely improvised, I haven't copied anyone else's designs, so any similarities are purely coincidental, and if it looks crap well, I'm still learning :)What I used:Polish and PenElf Nail Polish in Royal Purple - Despite buying this polish months ago,...