On Monday and Tuesday, I started noticing a lot of people blogging about Diet Coke's latest offer of Buy Two Bottles and get a free gift, which after last years Diet Coke and Nails Inc expedition, I was interested to see how this nail polish would pan out, because like Nails Inc, I've never heard of MUA.
So, I trundled off to Superdrug yesterday, with my mum, to see what all the fuss was about, and two things annoyed me:
1. I managed to find the Diet Cokes, with the label telling me that if I bought two bottles of Diet Coke, I could get a MUA Nail Duo Set (or something along those line) for free. Okay, that's nice, but where exactly are these MUA sets? Hmm...when Boots did their Nails Inc offer last year, the nail varnishes were on the same stand, but nowhere in the entire shop could I find what was described on the advert in front of the Diet Cokes.
2. Although I didn't find what was actually on offer, I did manage to find the actual MUA stand, and I have to say that I was a little bit disgusted at the fact that the MUA cosmetic range is only £1 anyway!
So, let me get this straight. You want me to buy two bottles of a drink that I don't particularly like, at an extortionate price, just to get a free product, from a range that is only worth £1 in the first place??
Okay, so maybe the free gift was worth more than that (I wouldn't have a clue, I still haven't seen it), but I really can't figure out the motivation for anyone, unless you're intending to buy two bottles of Diet Coke in the first place!
Please tell me, if I got this wrong somewhere, but I honestly do not think that this is any kind of "bargain" at all!
Aaaand, my rant is over!
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